Moycarkey Borris GAA / Magh Coirce Buirgheas CLG

Founded 1884


Information on Clubzap

Download our mobile app to hear more about Moycarkey Borris GAA / Magh Coirce Buirgheas CLG.

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1. Search for Moycarkey Borris GAA’ in the club search

2. Validate your installation by completing the form with your Name, Email & Phone Number

3. If prompted enter the 6-digit validation code, you received via text message

Is there any cost to members for the app?
No. Quite simply, there is no cost to patrons for the app or the use of its features.

Registering your name and age for the first time in the app
Enter your first name and second name. This helps to identify you as a mentor as a player or a parent. This cannot be currently changed from the app. If you have not entered your first and second name you may be refused entry to a chat group as a mentor might not know who you are.
Under 18s are not allowed to chat on the app. The first time you enter a chat you will be asked for your date of birth, enter the year, month, and day as requested by the app. This cannot be changed afterward from the app so make sure to enter your own DOB, not your children if you are a parent.
Email our PRO - to have your details changed if required.

I entered an incorrect name or Date of Birth in the app so cannot join chat groups
The age verification is for child protection reasons to prevent interaction between minors and adults on the app and can only be reset with admin permission. Email our PRO - and we can get it to reset for you if you entered it incorrectly. Once it reset, close, and restart the app and you should be asked again for DOB next time you open a chat.

Can I subscribe to another club or can someone subscribe to us
Anyone who has the app can subscribe to any club for news, lotto, and team updates if that club is using ClubZap as a management tool? Tap 3 bars top left corner of the app, “Switch clubs”, Tap (+) “Add another club”, and see their news and team results. No one can see whats in chat groups unless they have been added to a group. Note, once you subscribe to a club, you will automatically get all news notifications for that club unless you turn them off from your “notification settings” in the app

I have a GPDR concern
Review the GPDR articles on ClubZap website which should cover most GDPR questions. Direct any further questions to our club PRO -

I got a new phone, do I need to export the chat
No. Clubzap works off a client-server model so you pull down all the chats every time you connect so you do not need to back up the chat history, you get all the data every time you connect whether on an old phone or a new phone.

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